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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Indonesia Loses a Hero

Indonesia lost one of its heroes over the weekend. Bustanil Arifin, age 85, passed away on Sunday in Los Angeles after a bout with pneumonia. Arifin fought against the Dutch and Japanese in Indonesia's revolutionary army and later was one of the first diplomats assigned to NY in the government of President Suharto. In the early 70's as Consul General, Arifin worked closely with AICC members such as American Trade Sales, Inc., Continental Grain, and Connell Rice and Sugar, to provide wheat and rice to his country under the US PL 480 program at time when many were literally starving. Over the next 25 years as Chief of the National Logistics Agency (BULOG) and Minister of Cooperatives he filled Indonesia's rice bowl. His portfolio was simple: provide the essential food products that all Indonesians need at an affordable price. The “market operation” policies he developed and implemented stabilized food prices throughout the entire economic spectrum and were later studied by neighboring countries eager for a similar level of food security.

"Pak Bus" was one of the last surviving senior members of the generation that sheparded Indonesia through major transitions: from a Dutch colony to an independent republic; from a brush with anti-American communism to the pro-West New Order of President Suharto; from an impoverished people to one of the middle income Southeast Asia tigers.

Bustanil Arifin was a nation-builder whose life touched the lives of many Americans in business, government, and academia. Several AICC members worked closely with "Pak Bus" as well as his family on many business and education projects over the years. He will be sorely missed.

Born in Padang Panjang, West Sumatra, on Oct. 10, 1925, Bustanil graduated from Hollandsch-Inlandsche School (HIS) in Medan in 1940, Meer Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs (MULO), also in Medan, in 1942 and Zyoku Kan Gakkoo school for officials in Batusangkar, West Sumatra, in
1944. At 18, Bustanil hoped to become a soldier and joined a military training camp in Batusangkar,West Sumatra. His military assignments included covering Medan as a platoon commander under the Medan Special Regiment Batallion 3, North Sumatra.

After Indonesian Independence in 1945, Bustanil pursued his bachelor degree in law at Padjajaran University, Bandung. Before graduating in 1959, Bustanil met with R.A. Suhardani, a young Javanese girl who later became his wife. He is survived by his wife and four children.

In November 2011, Bustanil received a certificate of appreciation from AICC for his service to Indonesia and for his lifelong support for strong US-Indonesia relations.

(above: Bustanil Arifin with Joseph Harari, President of American Trade Sales, Inc.)

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